Youth detention census

The Department of Corrections compiles daily and quarterly data showing the number of young people held at the youth detention centres in Darwin and Alice Springs.

Youth detention daily data

The graphs below summarise the weekly data for the latest year for:

  • average number of young people held in detention centres, and whether they are on remand or sentenced to detention
  • average number by gender - per location and combined
  • average number of young people in detention, and whether they are Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal.
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Download the data from July 2017 - average weekly juveniles in detention XLSX (153.0 KB).

Last updated: 15 January 2025

Youth detention quarterly data

The graphs below summarise the quarterly data for:

  • number of young people held in detention and whether they are on remand or sentenced to detention
  • unique number of young people in detention less than 14 years old.

From 2023-24 this measure changed to align with national counting rules. This is a unique count of young people in detention. Where a young person is both sentenced and on remand at the same time, they are now counted as being in sentenced detention.

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Download the youth detention quarterly data - youth detention quarterly data XLSX (35.5 KB).


Weekly average The sum of the number of days each youth spent in custody during the week divided by 7 days in that week
Remand The act of placing in custody a young person who is accused of an offence to await trial or the continuation of the trial
Sentenced The number of youths held in Darwin Don Dale Detention Centre and Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre
Aboriginal A young person of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Island descent who identifies and is identified as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Darwin Refers to Don Dale Youth Detention Centre
Alice Springs Refers to Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre